Too Good

Too Good is designed to mitigate the risk factors linked to problem behaviors and build protection within the child to resist problem behaviors.

Too Good for Drugs & Violence

Too Good is a comprehensive family of evidence-based substance use and violence prevention interventions designed to mitigate the risk factors linked to problem behaviors and build protection within the child to resist problem behaviors.

Too Good develops and reinforces a comprehensive skills framework including setting reachable goals, making responsible decisions, identifying and managing emotions, and effective communication in addition to peer-pressure refusal, pro-social peer bonding, and peaceful conflict resolution skills.

Too Good builds the basis for a safe, supportive, and respectful learning environment.

Too Good for Drug & Violence Class Dates

High School

Pricing/Important Info
  • TBD

Registration is required. All classes include snacks and take-home materials. Students are required to bring their own lunch.

Schedule – Register Now!

Click on the appropriate link to register.

Healthy Living Summer Camp is for middle and high school students featuring the “Too Good” and “Seeds of Nutrition” curricula created by the Mendez Foundation and covers topics such as social skill development, substance abuse prevention, violence prevention, and nutrition. This is a 4-day summer camp.

Day 1 – Social Skill Development: Setting reachable goals, making responsible decisions, managing emotions, and effective communication.

Day 2 – Drugs: Effects of alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, prescription, over the counter, prescription, and street drugs.

Day 3 – Violence: Respect for self and others, conflict resolution, anger management, identifying and managing bullying situations, and media violence.

Day 4 – Nutrition: Essential nutrients, benefits of hydration, sleep, and exercise.

Healthy Living Summer Camp teaches middle school and high school students to weigh the positive and negative consequences of their choices as they examine how their emotions influence their goals and decisions. Students practice setting reachable goals, making responsible decisions, and communicating effectively with pro-social peers in fun, interactive games, activities, and role-play.

Students discuss the role of reporting bullying situations for the benefit and safety of everyone involved and practice peaceful methods to manage bullying situations in a healthy way for the bully, the target, and the witnesses. Students learn the effects of alcohol, nicotine, TCH, prescription, OTC, and street drugs. Students also learn the role of nutrients, hydration, exercise, and rest in promoting physical and mental well-being. This curriculum is provided by the Mendez Foundation and is evidence-based, and research based.

Too Good is a comprehensive family of evidence-based substance use and violence prevention interventions designed to mitigate the risk factors linked to problem behaviors and build protection within the child to resist problem behaviors.

Too Good develops and reinforces a comprehensive skills framework including setting reachable goals, making responsible decisions, identifying and managing emotions, and effective communication in addition to peer-pressure refusal, pro-social peer bonding, and peaceful conflict resolution skills.

Too Good builds the basis for a safe, supportive, and respectful learning environment.

Prevention Framework

Effective prevention programs like Too Good promote skills development and educate youth about the effects and consequences of risky behaviors like engaging in substance use and violence.  Because the delivery of information alone rarely changes behaviors, and because other informative or emotional appeal strategies like didactic lectures, scare tactics, alarming statistics, or infrequent or single event presentations have proven to be ineffective in reducing or deterring risky behaviors in children and youth, Too Good takes a skills-based approach to prepare children and adolescents to make healthy responsible decisions.

Too Good programs are based in sound development and prevention theory.  They use a strengths-based approach that builds on strengths and wellness as part of a strategy to address risk aiming to build protective factors.  Too Good programs are interactive and hands-on providing opportunities for skills building and skills application.

Targeted Risk Factors and Protective Factors

Too Good targets the following risk factors and protective factors associated with substance use or antisocial behavior in children and adolescents:

Protective factors targeted for increase

  • Social and emotional competency skills
  • Personal efficacy
  • Exposure to school, community, and cultural norms that reject substance use or antisocial behaviors
  • Increased knowledge and perception of harm of the negative effects of substance use
  • Positive school connectedness

Risk factors targeted for decrease

  • Poor social and emotional skills
  • Favorable attitudes toward substance use or antisocial behavior
  • Norms favorable toward substance use or antisocial behavior
  • Peer rewards for substance use or antisocial behaviors
  • Early initiation of substance use
  • Physical violence
  • Bullying behavior

More about Mendez Foundation.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Cancellations must be made within 48 hours of ticket purchase in order to receive a refund or reschedule. Registrants will forfeit refund if registration is not cancelled within 48 hours. Registrants can re-schedule a class one time. If registrant fails to attend the rescheduled classes, he/she will not be able to reschedule, and funds are forfeited.


Kids On The Geaux

A healthy living program to address increasing childhood obesity in Acadiana for youth and adolescents.